Monday, November 5, 2012

2012 SC Ed Tech Conference Day 3

Kid Developers - how kids can develop their own apps - Chris Craft

001Apple has higher standards than Google Play
Apple developer program is $99 per year
Need screenshots at different resolutions for different devices
Stay away from web based apps
MobiOne - nice drag and drop, not very robust; apps are mobile and not downloadable
BuzzTouch - this is great and free; add values and it generates the code for you; takes the heavy lifting out of code; good tutorials; email Chris for tutoring session ; tell kids they can't create a game; have kids flesh out the concept before starting buzztouch; informational. When done, download the source code, can't upload to the apple store without a Mac, android apps for Pc (lots more devices). Moderately successful. Screenshots - don't need to have device in hand, Chris will publis if it is free. Free accounts is for 3 apps.plugins give you added functionality but may cost. For help, contact Chris.
Apps created -search for crossroads middle school, chosen dance academy, scufc (droid)
What platform can be used? Can use iPads, iPods, as well as laptops.
Can't see app before published - no live preview on buzztouch
Can run on Xcode on Mac and run on simulator
Download into eclipse (free) for PC to make android apps and runs on simulator
No Limit to size but user doesn't like slow
Flipped over Screencasting by Shasta Kelly Looper

Presentation: and educreations - both are iPad apps
Can be seen on any device that the web can be accessed.
Keep between 6 or 7 min.
Work problems on paper, do problems for homework to turn in the next day.
Differentiated lessons - students use show me or educreations
No lesson has been over 10 or 12 minutes, not sure if there is a time or space limit.
Students pre plan and have a story board.
Easy learning curve, both record voice, and annotations, public/private
Educreations has multiple page, text capability, duplicate pages but student accounts can not create, better for upper grades.
Take screen shots and give instructions.
Can not edit - it is a one shot thing.
Parents and students love this.
ADD kids didn't have to track the teacher around the room.
Huge improvement in MAP scores with all students. Also improvement in engagement.
(Check out cover for iPad - griffin defender or survivor)

Original photo by Pat Hensley

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